
p70 1817 Journal Thomas Dean

Taken 1969-12-31 16:00:00-08

muddy road, and crossed several streams of water, but none very large except Wild Cat Creek, which we crossed about 1 o'clock P. M. We went on until about 5 o'clock and encamped within about six miles of Mississinewa. Our provisions were all gone. We ate our last piece of bread at the Wild Cat Creek. Our friend Longlewy killed another raccoon, of which they gave us some. We came about twenty-two miles this day and made a shelter with a piece of cloth of Longlewy's, and our bed of weeds. September 16th. This morning was clear, and I was up by the break of day, dried my things, which were wet by the rain and crossing deep water. We had a little of the raccoon and some boiled com to eat; started about half past 7 A. M., went down to the village, crossed the river, and went about one and one-fourth miles, where we stopped at a house of a mixture of half French and Indians. Here I paid Longlewy $5 and he went on his way to Detroit. We could get nothing to eat here but soft corn to take with us for food. We obtained fifty or sixty ears of cam and gave 50 cents. I prevailed on the Indians to let each of us have a piece of bread, and we got some sassafras tea. I had agreed with an Indian for two horses to go with us to Fort Wayne for $6, and we waited until in the afternoon for him to come, but he sent word that he would not go under $8. I could get no other Indian or horse to go, so we shouldered our packs, as heavy as they were, and started about half past 1 o'dock, went up the river about twelve miles, and crossed it. It was two or three feet deep. We went about three or four miles, made a tire about sundown, and encamped on some leaves. Peleg


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