p61 1817 Journal Thomas Dean
on the west shore around the bend. He towed his canoe. I
There was not water enough for our boat. We came about i
ten miles this day and lay on the west side of the river.
August 28th. We unloaded our boat early in the morning,
carried our baggage seventy or eighty reds up the west
shore, then crossed over to the east shore, towed the boat
up the rapids, crossed over, took in our things, proceeded
up over a rocky bottom and much shoal water that we often
had to be out to lift and shove her up hfty or 100 rods in
a place. Our passage was thus very slow and tedious, but
we found the channel without rnuch difficulty, where there
was any, but the river was wide. It spread over a wide,
Bat rock. About half past 3 r. M. we came to the forks of
the rivers, which we supposed were the Mississinewa and
Wabash. One came in from the north and the other from
the northeast. The latter we thought was the Mississinewa,
but it contained more water than the other, which was dif-
ferent from the information we had received. Paul Dick
went up the north branch and R. Fowler the other. When
R. Fowler returned he said he thought we could not go up
that branch, if it was the Wabash. Paul returned and said
that the northeast branch was impassable, that the water .
was very shallow, there were falls in it of two or three feet
perpendicular. It began to grow dark, looked like rain;
we concluded to fall down the river sixty or seventy rods
to an old shelter that was made by the Indians for hunting,
and left by them, where we put up for the night. R. Fowler,
Paul Dick, and I lodged on shore under the shelter. We
made a. little fire. We came about five or six xniles this day.
August 29th. This morning I awoke at about 2 o'dock