p46 1817 Journal Thomas Dean
them some pamphlets to distribute at discussions. We
parted with them with gratitude and respect, went on up
the river, stopped at a Frenchman's house, fifteen or sixteen
miles, where we put up, some on the Boor and some in the
boat. We got some milk and took supper.
July 26th. Started and took breakfast tive or six miles
upstream. Obtained some milk on a high bluff of rocks or
sandstone and had a view of Lamotts Prairie, where we
went on shore two or three times to see the country. It
appeared to be delightful. We continued seventeen or eight-
een miles and then we took dinner. Some went to the house,
and some were in the boat. We had some buttermilk to
drink and waited till the rain was over, when we went on
iive or six miles, went on shore, put up for the night and
lodged in the boat live or six miles below the Union Prairie.
We came about twenty miles.
July 27th. We started and went up to Union Prairie.
They have just laid out a town on the bank of the river
and so far back into the prairie that the banks are high
and pleasantly situated. The village is to be called York.
There are several New York people in the neighborhood,
one by the name of Richardson, who is a proprietor of the
village. We came up the river twelve or fifteen miles and
encamped on the river bank near a house, where we got
milk, but we lodged on board.
July 28th. Obtained more milk, took breakfast, and went
on up the river. We saw some very large tish, but could not
spear them. I threw the spear at one small pickerel and
killed it. It would weigh two or three pounds. Saw many
wild geese and some turkeys. Went seven or eight miles,