p43 1817 Journal Thomas Dean
We parted and left Vincennes about 5 F. M., ran up the
river and stopped at Fort Knox; got water, but it was not
very good. This is about three miles, and we went on until
dark; encamped in our boat on the Indiana shore near a
small brook, there not being a house near shore.
july 23d. Started in the morning and ran up until we
came to a. house on F.lise's Prairie, which is on the Illinois
side and is twelve miles long and seven or eight wide. We
obtained some milk, made mush, took breakfast on the
bank, the house not being near the river, then we passed on
around a point and came to the prairie again. We went on
shore and viewed it. It is a very handsome piece of land
and settled in some places. We went around another bend
and came to it again at 1 Ferry, where we went on
shore to get some good water, potatoes, etc. They had some
noodles. We took some bread and butter; went on until
night, when we were about to camp on the beach, but by
blowing the horn we found a house by the barking dogs
(which abound in this country) about one-half mile from
shore. Here we secured the liberty of lying on the Boor,
and some milk; supped on bread and milk. We lodged on
the Boor with satisfaction. R. Fowler and P. Dick were
comfortably lodged in the boat. We stayed about three miles
below the Shaker settlement, and it was said thirty miles
from Vincennes. I paid four shillings.