p41 1817 Journal Thomas Dean
and their people we wished to come to reside in this country,
and we would wish to meet them and the rest of their broth-
ers with our brothers, the Delawares, Miamis, Eel River
and Mississinewas, at White River or some place that they
would appoint to have a council, and we would go and visit
the Delawares and other tribes and meet them. The agent
replied that he and the interpreter would be at Fort Har-
rison in two or three weelm with the goods for the Indians'
annuity, and that would be the most proper place; to which
the Indians agreed, and it was therefore agreed we should
meet them at Fort Harrison in twenty-live days from that
time, and that we would go and visit the Delawares and
give them notice of the council. Then the chiefs replied
that they were glad to see their brothers, the Wapenocas,
and said they always liked to shake hands with them, and
that they would be glad to meet their grandfathers, the
Delawares, in council with us, and that we must go and
fetch them to the council. They would think that it was not
good, or that their grandfathers were not pleased with it
("`as we had told them we had sent four men to visit them
*'rh= remark in paxenthau were-= to = treaty made with the nelawate
and Miatni txibq in JM)9. A petition of the Brothutnwn Indians drawn up
by Thomas D n, and presented to r:e=iti=nt Antirzw Jackson in the y r
lszq, =ent.=in= the following statement:
"In the yur 1809 your petitioners (the Brothertuwn Indians) sent a
delegation to the Delawarn and Miannn, in the tl.=n= Ten-it.-a-y of Indiana,
Who nntie an an-=en=ent ie: a t:-an er land on White River, in the State or
Indiana, in the most solemn manner, an-eenhle to the ancient custom nr the
xn=iian.=. but before your memo:-ialisu could i-etntwe onto their newly acquired
lands the anvennnlent of the United Statu purchued the whale country of
the Miamnis and Delaware Indiann by which your petitienen lost their lands
and all that they had expended in acquiring than."