
p37 1817 Journal Thomas Dean

Taken 1969-12-31 16:00:00-08

1 who had been an Indian trader for twenty-eight or thirty years and had acquired a large fortune by the trade. He informed me that former Govemor Posey and the present Governor jennings were now in town. Governor Posey is the present agent for Indian anairs, therefore I thought it advisable to have an interview with them in the morning, so we entertained the curiosity of the inhabitants with the relation of our voyage, which appeared very interesting to them.

The following is a copy of the letter of introduction pre- sented by Thomas Dean to Governor Jennings: To the Honuurable Governor of the Indiana Territory and to the Agents of the several Tribes of Indian: in said Territory. Gentl am i Having been informed that a certain tribe of Indians residing near White River in your Territory have proposed to grant to the New Stockbridge and Brothertown Indians, who now reside in the Counties of Oneida and Madison in New York State, a certain tract of land upon certain con- ditions,

We therefore, as Superintendents of the said New Stock- bridge and Brothertown Indians, beg leave to represent that they are now about to set out on a journey to that country to accomplish that business, and that they have agreed with Mr. Thomas Dean, an inhabitant of the County of Oneida. to accompany them and to be their agent to negotiate with said Indians, or their agents in your Territory, and as we are personally acquainted with Mr. Dean, we do not hesi-


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