
p24 1817 Journal Thomas Dean

Taken 1969-12-31 16:00:00-08

saw a beautiful landscape with very fertile soil. The elegant buildings that formerly stood on it were consumed by iire, and their chiinneys were only to be seen from a distance. We passed by Little Hockhocking and then Big Huckhock- ing on the right side at 15 minutes past 7 P. M. We passed Belleville at 45 minutes past 9 P. M. and concluded to run during the night, it being dark. We ran all night, but had little chance of seeing much of the shore or many of the islands we came upon. Forty~one miles today by daylight. June 27th. Before day we passed Letart Rapids and down by the Great Kanawha River and so dovm by Galli- polis, running on all day and all night,_passing several villages and tributary streams.

June 28th. We passed the Canseannique Creek about 5 A. M. and down to Lime, or Mayswell Stone, at 5 F. M., where we got more provisions. This is a handsome town on the left side of the river. From here we passed down to a small village called Ripley, about ten miles below Lime- stone Creek, where we put up, being about 248 miles below Marietta. I was unwell, having taken cold by being out the night before and lying in the heat of the sun the next day. June 2 9th. We left Ripley in the morning and passed by Augusta about 10 A. M., arriving at Cincinnati at 9 P. M., where we put up for the night.


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