p6 1817 Journal Thomas Dean
that lake. The waters of Chautauqua Lake are discharged
into the Allegheny River, so that it was possible to sail
down the Allegheny into the Ohio River and thus reach the
mouth of the Wabash River.
The southern part of Indiana he found sparsely settled,
but the central and northern parts were still wildernesses.
In his voyage from Fort Harrison up the Wabash to the
mouth of the Mississinewa River and return, a distance of
about 360 miles, he does not mention having seen a single
white man. The Indians he met on the river could not
speak English and he therefore had great difficulty in com-
municating with them. He was looking for good land. well
watered, and describes the ine, fertile, silent prairies near
the Wabash. In his journey on foot from Fort Harrison to
the White River country and return, he passed through a
wilderness of forests sparsely inhabited by Indians. The
hardships were most severe. What would a man of today
think of making a journey from Terre Haute to Fort
Wayne, about 220 miles, most of the way on foot, with a
heavy pack on his back? Some days Dean and his party
traveled forty miles.
His unusual resourcefulness was exhibited at Fort
Wayne, where he was unable to obtain a boat for taking
himself and party down the Maumee River. He at once
went into the forest, cut down a big tree, and made a large
canoe, not only sufficient for his party, but in which he was
able to take two additional passengers. The canoe was
made in two working days, launched into the Maumee
River, served its purpose, and was afterward sold for a
good price at Fort Meigs.